
Showing posts from October, 2019

Learning In the 21st Century

HELLO MY DEAR FOLLOWERS ! In this post we're going to talk about 21st Century Learning.                                                                              When we think about learning process we consider the past principle of the old education system called conventional learning . In this learning the teacher is on the center,grammar is the most important thing,the teacher is dependant on the coursebook and all that matters is the test. However,in the modern learning t ype called 21st century learning these are opposite;the student is on the center,student's knowledge about how to use the information is the most important thing,the coursebook is used as a tool and the foremost thing is assessment of the capabilities of the student.By this means,in the 21st century learning the learners acquire some skills like 4Cs; Critical Thinking *: Ability to analyze information and make a reasoned judgement. Communication : Sharing information and ideas w


HELLO TO ALL! This is Zeynep and I newly opened a blog and this is going to be my first post! * some excited sounds* OK.  * serious*         I am an ELT student at MARMARA UNIVERSİTY and I am going to share some information , advises , comments and homeworks *of course* about my  Educational Technologies  course in this blog. I take the course from the teacher Gökçe KURT . This blog will be colorful , complex or even simple sometimes. Anyway the time will show us. *hoping for the colorful one* Hope you enjoy my blog! Thanks for reading. Love... .ZeyUs.