Learning In the 21st Century


In this post we're going to talk about 21st Century Learning.

When we think about learning process we consider the past principle of the old education system called conventional learning. In this learning the teacher is on the center,grammar is the most important thing,the teacher is dependant on the coursebook and all that matters is the test. However,in the modern learning type called 21st century learning these are opposite;the student is on the center,student's knowledge about how to use the information is the most important thing,the coursebook is used as a tool and the foremost thing is assessment of the capabilities of the student.By this means,in the 21st century learning the learners acquire some skills like 4Cs;

  • Critical Thinking*:Ability to analyze information and make a reasoned judgement.
  • Communication:Sharing information and ideas with someone else.
  • Collaboration*:The action of working with someone to produce something.
  • Creativity:The use of imagination,ideas and tools to create a new thing.

With all of these skills we can say that a new and different era is round the corner.  :)

Thanks for reading!

*2:Oxford Dictionary



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