Let's Podcasting


Today I am going to talk about podcasting.

                                     podcasting ile ilgili görsel sonucu

In my Educational Technology course I was assigned to do a podcast.So I am here with my podcast.

Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device,typically available as a series* in brief.One can listen podcast or create one to share his/her ideas.
I'm not fond of podcasting actually.My podcast case started with the assignment.Then I made small research.I chose my topic (is changing the world,you can see my podcast below.) prepared a small text about it and started recording.

                                                               My podcast

I can say that podcasting is for me because I find it enjoyable.There was phases in which I had some difficulties;finding a topic,recording my voice again and again till I get the best that I want,cutting and organizing it etc.On the other hand,finalizing a podcast,listening my voice as a whole and in an order made me feel comfort,the feeling that 'Hey,I did it!' made me happy.Tough it may be hard in some phases,it is worth doing it.

If you ask me 'As a future teacher,would you use it with your students in the future?' I say 'yes' but in a simpler way :) Since I can taste the freedom of telling what I think,taste the joy of creativeness and using different tool in this computer,yes I will most probably make podcasts with my future students.




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