Teaching Grammar With Flipped Videos

Hello my dear followers,

The second flipped video that you have been waiting impatiently is here now. Let me present you my second filpped classroom approach project; Flipped Grammar Teaching Video. (yaaaaay!)

As in our previous flipped video, we prepared this video with th help of Animaker. The process is same here again, choose a unit from the coursebook, choose a grammar topic to teach aaand, start teaching it :D With my friends Rabia TUĞLU and Beyza USLU We share the labor, and each of us did our part; added sentences, examples, images, voices, music. This time it was easier because we get used to using animaker, and thankfully it took less time. You can see our video right below.

We were supposed to prepare a quiz for this video and guess which tools this lazy group used again? Wordwall, not surprised! Hey come check this classy quiz. Here, click this.

This was my favourite task in this lesson actually. Yes, it did take much more time and effort than we imagined but with team-work look what we made! (shinning eyes *-*)

It seems for todays task and I am looking forward to post my next one. Hey, want a clue? You may question it's reality :)))

picture* Lam, K. (2017, September 14). 13 Little-Known Grammar Rules. LiteracyPlanet. https://www.literacyplanet.com/blog/13-little-known-grammar-rules/


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